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In 1882, Blessed Michael McGivney founded the Order in part to provide a safety net to those in need, specifically, to families of Catholic working men. Over time, the safety net expanded to help others in need. 140 years later, 2 million members internationally apply faith in action. At its founding there was one council with 36 members. Blessed Michael McGivney’s lesson of faith in action has flourished. This web exhibit highlights the Knights of Columbus’ faith in action and its roots.

Caring for Refugees

There are many reasons why families flee their homes, among them are religious persecution, war, or natural disaster. Whatever the cause, the Knights of Columbus is ready to respond with support to those with need.

Support to the Military

Reaching back to 1916, the Knights of Columbus has offered support – both material and spiritual – to those in the military. This aid includes scholarships for military chaplains, chapels, centers offering recreation and respite, and pilgrimages to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes for healing.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships have been an effective means for the Knights of Columbus to extend their charitable mission. A few of the many collaborations designed to improve the lives of those with need include the Canadian Wheelchair Mission, Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, and blood drives.

Telling Our Story, Spreading the Word

The Knights of Columbus recognizes the value of communicating within and beyond. The monthly magazine Columbiad (later Columbia) was established in 1893. In its day, radio was well used with pre-recorded acetate discs (records) sent to stations for broadcast. As the communication technologies evolved, the Knights’ means of communications also evolved.

Vatican Relations

Friendship between the Vatican and the Knights of Columbus began more than 100 years. During that time, the Knights of Columbus has helped each pope with initiatives ranging from building recreation and athletic centers in Rome, to printing papal encyclicals in English, to supporting Vatican radio and television evangelization and more.